We are part of a great community of neighborhoods!
DPHD is surrounded by a constellation of Registered Neighborhood Organizations (RNOs) that have similar concerns about influences on our neighborhoods. Below you will find links to the websites of our nearest neighbors as well as several organizations that have a broader reach within the City of Denver.
Capital Hill United Neighborhoods (CHUN)
DPHD is part of CHUN’s Neighborhood 9 which is bounded by Eighth Avenue to the north, First Avenue to the south and stretches between the Emerson/Ogden alley on the west to Josephine Street on the east. Neighborhood 9 is represented on CHUN’s Board of Delegates by Michelle Steed and Kathleen Reilly. If you wish to contact your Neighborhood Delegates to discuss a community issue please contact the CHUN office at 303-830-1651.
Country Club Historic Neighborhood
South of Fourth Avenue is the Country Club Historic District which whom we share history and similar concerns
Alamo Placita Neighborhood Association
To the west we share a boundary with the Alamo Placita Neighborhood Association (APNA). Their website is an excellent compilation of useful resources.
Seventh Avenue Neighborhood Association
Just to our north are our neighbors in the Seventh Avenue Neighborhood Association.
Congress Park Neighbors
To our east and north are our Congress Park Neighbors.
Denver Inter-Neighborhood Cooperative
DPHD is a member of the Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation. Denver INC (Inter Neighborhood Cooperation) is a voluntary, non-profit coalition of representatives from Denver’s registered neighborhood organizations (RNO’s), city agencies and others that gather to promote responsible city change and growth. Through our membership in Denver INC, we receive alerts about actions of concern to our neighborhood.
Denver - Community Planning and Development - Registered Neighborhoods
DPHD is registered as an RNO with the City of Denver. This site provides information about how the City of Denver and the RNOs work together.